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Meet Pope Francis - Living Faith Kids

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Meet Pope Francis - Living Faith Kids

Author: Connie Clark

Publish Date: 6/2/2015
Product Number: MPF
Format: Sticker Booklet
Page Count: 16
Size: 5 3/8 X 8 3/8
Availability: Out of Stock

$ 1.99

Pope Francis is loved and respected not only by Catholics but also by many Christians and non-Christians everywhere. For many he has become the voice of justice and peace in a troubled world. His unwavering support for the poor and forgotten has endeared him to all. This booklet includes information on Pope Francis? life, his duties as pope and his travels throughout the world, as well as his deep love of Jesus. Colorful stickers make learning about Pope Francis and how the Pope works in Our Church, a fun experience!


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About the series.

Learning the Catholic faith is fun with Living Faith Kids sticker books. With topics from the Mass to Miracles, the Sacraments to the Ten Commandments and the major seasons of the Church - these booklets teach lessons that last a lifetime. Each book includes a set of colorful stickers, puzzles and games highlighting the foundations of Catholic teachings. Ages 6-12.

All titles are 16 pages 5½" x 8½"

Also available! Coordinating Teaching Guides.

Lead and teach the tenants of our Catholic faith. Each curriculum guide, written to accompany a Living Faith Sticker Book, is designed to support a 1-hour session to easily incorporate into your weekly Religious Education classes. These lessons make learning the Catholic faith fun and are certain to stick with children as they live out their faith.

Teaching guide comes free with purchase of 10 or more sticker books. Call Customer Service at 800-325-9414 to take advantage of this offer.