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Season of Peace: Advent Daily Devotions for Seniors

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Season of Peace: Advent Daily Devotions for Seniors

Author: Various

Publish Date: 8/4/2024
Product Number: SS6
UPC: 679771969870
Format: Paper
Page Count: 32
Size: 5 3/8 x 8 3/8
Availability: Out of print/Discontinued

$ 1.99
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Our lives should be full of peace, even in our later years. The daily devotions for older adults in this large-print special edition highlight the message of having peace in the Lord always. The readings for each day of Advent help seniors reflect on the spiritual experiences of Advent, both past and present, and encourages them to faithfully share with younger generations the reason for our peace—Jesus. This rich and enlightening collection of Advent devotions reflects the wisdom and life experience of its various authors. Enjoy a fresh perspective each day.

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