Together in Jesus Program
Lessons focus on biblical stories about Christian living -- including the Good Samaritan, the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, and the Prodigal Son - to help children appreciate that God loves them and is always ready to forgive them. Activity stickers help children relate the stories to their lives. A Reconciliation Prayer Service booklet for each child to make helps review the parts of the sacrament.
Look at all you get with each student unit - for as little as $11.95
- Colorful, sturdy 9" X 12" Keepsake Folder
- Six four-page take home lessons with hands-on activities
- Attractive stickers to highlight important concepts
- Family Focus poster with at-home activities
- Four-page handout with answers to "Questions Parents Ask"
The take-home lessons, Family Focus poster, and "Questions Parents Ask" handout are provided in both English and Spanish.
The 48-page teaching guide includes tips for getting organized plus step-by-step plans for each lesson. Annotated illustrations of the children's handouts guarantee teaching directions will be easy to follow and lessons will be successful. Reproducible prayer rituals for each lesson reinforce the power of prayer in all that we do.