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A Treasury of Living Faith:  Celebrating 40 Years of Daily Catholic Devotions
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A Treasury of Living Faith: Celebrating 40 Years of Daily Catholic Devotions

Anniversary Edition

Publish Date: 4/1/2024
Product Number: TR1
ISBN: 978-16827-9507-1
Page Count: 48
Size: 5 3/8 x 8 3/8
Availability: In Stock

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40 years in the making...this Treasury of Living Faith offers inspirational reading—from the past to the present—from the pages of one of most popular and beloved periodicals, Living Faith: Daily Catholic Devotions. Born in St. Louis in 1985, and now known around the world, this small-sized but mighty page-a-day devotional based on a Scripture verse from the Mass every day of the year has strengthened the faith of readers for four decades and counting. Whether you’re a longtime loyal reader, or brand new reader to Living Faith, this is your opportunity to own this limited-edition, keepsake Treasury.

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