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Yes Lord I Believe: A Sing-Along Celebration of the Creed

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Yes Lord I Believe: A Sing-Along Celebration of the Creed

Author: John Burland

Publish Date: 12/1/2023
Product Number: YLC
Page Count: 16
Size: 5 3/8 x 8 3/8
Availability: Backorder

$ 1.99
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Internationally-recognized singer-songwriter John Burland just also happens to be a popular religious educator. His popular song “Yes, Lord, I Believe!” has taught thousands of students the Apostles’ Creed while singing their way to learning the 12 Articles of our faith. In this first ever booklet from the musician, John offers short reflections on the Creed, with links to the popular song. Useful for at-home family prayer times, classroom learning or short family retreats—complete with imprimatur—this booklet with be a singable resource to be enjoyed by many!