“Do this in memory of me.” – Jesus
These familiar words from Jesus, based in Scripture and recalled at every Mass during the Eucharistic Prayer, are the reason for this 40-day devotional celebrating the Eucharist. Living Faith, long treasured for its daily Catholic devotions based on the readings of the Mass, is happy to publish this booklet within the same time frame that the U.S. Bishops of the Church are inviting us to deeper knowledge and love for the Eucharist through revivals locally in each diocese and nationally with a Eucharistic Congress in 2024. This special edition of Living Faith reflections devoted to Jesus in the Eucharist: Living Bread. Penned through the decades by numerous Living Faith authors past and present, Living Bread invites readers to increase their love and devotion to the Eucharist. Inside, you’ll walk with writers whose love for the Word of God is matched by their belief that the true Living Bread—Jesus Christ, the Word-Made-Flesh—is the food that fuels a vibrant living faith.
Perfect to start at any time of the Church Year, this perennial page-a-day devotional may be read whenever a reader wishes to dive in!
Also available as a digital download from: